Office Address:

M‌ain office: 24 Latrobe St, East Brisbane, Qld Australia 4169
Phone: +61 406 900 193

Contact us

Phone: +61 406 900 193

Working Hours:

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Responce time: Monday to Friday AEST

Can I order from Amazon?

Yes, you can always order directly from 

Can I order for a review

For Amazon review, absolutely not, but for an honest website, google and Facebook reviews, yes for sure. 
There are always coupons for those who can search or email 😉

Can I return my item?

Yes, if you are ordering from Amazon or directly from our website and you did not use it.

Can I market your brand?

For sure, just send us an email to

Can I order wholesale?

Sure, go to the wholesale link in the footer below

Emprian Waxing kit support team

  • Please upload your video on your social media or to Google Drive or or Dropbox and share the link in the below field. Make sure you make it public so we can have access to it.

  • enter your PayPal email for cash back
  • I give Emprian permission to share and use my video on their marketing campaigns and their social media platforms.

Leave your message, I’m waxing now 😀