Office Address:
Main office: 24 Latrobe St, East Brisbane, Qld Australia 4169
Phone: +61 406 900 193
Contact us
Phone: +61 406 900 193
Working Hours:
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Responce time: Monday to Friday AEST
Can I order from Amazon?
Yes, you can always order directly from
Can I order for a review
For Amazon review, absolutely not, but for an honest website, google and Facebook reviews, yes for sure.
There are always coupons for those who can search or email 😉
Can I return my item?
Yes, if you are ordering from Amazon or directly from our website and you did not use it.
Can I market your brand?
For sure, just send us an email to
Can I order wholesale?
Sure, go to the wholesale link in the footer below